
Welcome to the Timeslider. Here we explain the most important things you need to be able to track times with the Timeslider. An essential feature of the Timeslider is to be able to change times like a slider in a lightning fat way. By the way, the Timeslider got its name from this function.

Start timer

You start a new timer by clicking on the "Plus" button at the bottom right of the screen. A dialog opens, enter a short description of your activity here.

The newly created timer immediately starts measuring time. A red bar shows the time that has already elapsed. At first it appears only as a narrow line, but over time it grows steadily.

On the left edge of the timer is the start/stop button. Here you can stop the time measurement and continue it at a later time. A timer can be started and stopped as often as you like.

Profi-Tipp: The shortcut [ALT]+[Insert] opens the add dialog.

More timers

For each of your activities you start a new timer. If you continue an activity you have already started, you do not start a new timer, but start the existing timer again.

As soon as you start a timer in any way, a timer that is already running is automatically stopped. You can never have more than one timer running at the same time.


The description you enter appears in the timer. For simplicity, this tutorial does not include a title in most of the illustrations. However, the following image is explicitly dedicated to the title:
Click with the mouse in the text (avoid red areas) to edit the title. At the same time, the details panel opens. More information about the details panel is explained below. It is not relevant for the title at first, so don't let it bother you.

Your changes will be saved automatically when you leave the text field.

Change times

Each time can be adjusted afterwards. Click one time with the left mouse button on the time you want to adjust. The timer changes into the edit mode, recognizable by the color change from red to blue. Now click and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse inside the timer. If you click in the lefthand area, the start time will be changed, if you click in the righthand area, the end time will be changed. The time scale above the timer gives you a rough orientation for the time.

When you have finished adjusting the time, click in the empty space between the timers. This is how you exit the edit mode.

Expert tip: If you move the mouse into the area of another timer from the same day while editing, you can also change the second timer at the same time. This way you don't have to touch several timers one after the other.

If you move the mouse closer to the start or end points of other times, you will notice that the time 'snaps' in these places. This 'snapping' makes it easier for you to close gaps without having to hit the exact position with the mouse.

Change times with keyboard

The Timeslider shows its strength when the exact time is not important when adjusting the times. However, if it should be exact to the minute, it can be tedious to hit the times exactly with the mouse. In this case, it is advisable to open the details panel and enter the times using the keyboard.

To open the detail panel, click in the white area of the timer. In the detail panel all times are listed again with exact start and end time. Click on the "Edit" button, a dialog opens to adjust start and end.

Add time spans

If you forget to start a time, you can add it later. You can also create a time in advance.

Move the mouse over the three dots on the right edge of the timer. As soon as you are over them, a menu appears. Select the plus icon. The timer will switch to add mode, it works the same way as edit mode. Drag a time with the mouse. First click in the the start time area, hold down the mouse button and move it to the right until you reach the end time. The time scale gives you a rough orientation. Exit the add mode by clicking on a free area between the timers.
Expert tip: Hover the mouse over the timer, hold down [Ctrl] + [left mouse button] and you will also get into the add mode.

Delete time spans

You can delete a single time by opening the details panel. To do this, click on a timer. A list of all times will appear. Next to each time you will find an icon that symbolizes a trash can. Click here and the time will be removed.
Profi-Tipp: Eine Zeit kann mit der [Entf]-Taste gelöscht werden, wenn sie sich im Bearbeiten-Modus befindet (blauer Zustand)

Delete timers

The delete button of a timer is located in the timer menu. It appears when you move the mouse over the three dots on the right edge of the timer.

Add timers on past days

You can also create timers for a day that is already in the past. All days are listed chronologically. Click on the empty day, on which the the timer should be created. The button at the end of the scroll area shows the previous month.

Time scale

The scale above the timers represents the time of day. In the default settings, the hours are displayed from 8 am to 6 pm. If you start a timer before 8 a.m. or if it runs until after 6 p.m., the scale is automatically adjusted.

You can change the start and end of the day using the buttons at the beginning and end of the scale. The less the start and end are apart, the more precisely a time can be set when moving it. If you want to move a time beyond the set limits of the day, you must first adjust the scale accordingly.

You can modify the default start and end settings in the user preferences. This makes sense if your regular workday starts ready at 6 am.

Copy timers

It often happens that a work is not finished in one day and should be continued on the following days. In such cases, titles and keywords can usually be copied without changes. Therefore, the Timeslider offers a simple copy function.
The copy button of a timer is located in the timer menu. It appears when you move the mouse over the three dots on the right edge of the timer.
If you copy a timer, the title and keywords will be copied automatically.