Templates can be created for frequently recurring events, such as weekly meetings. This saves you from typing in a title or the
the keywords. In addition, you can already define times in a template, which are automatically applied when starting the timer.
The templates are available in the add dialog. You can also start them from the sidebar.
Create new templates
If you want to save an existing timer as a template, click on the button "Save as template" within the details panel.
Title and keywords will be taken over. Not taken over are already booked times.
In addition, you will find a button in the sidebar to create a template.
Start timer from templates
The templates are available in the Add dialog. You can also launch them from the sidebar.
Edit templates
In the sidebar you will find all the templates you have created. Here you can also delete or change them.
The handling is analogous to the 'normal' timers.
- You can expand the template and add or remove keywords there.
- You can change the title by clicking in the title field.
- You can add times to the template (use plus button).
- You can delete the template.
You can change the order of the templates by grabbing it with the mouse on the left edge and moving it. Sorting is useful if you have created a lot of templates and you want to sort
want to sort them, for example, by frequency of use or alphabetically.
Changes to a template do not affect timers that have already been created.